STSM: Blend acquisition research methodology
Name: Gordana Lalić-Krstin
Start : 07/06/2024
End: 17/06/2024
Gordana Lalić-Krstin’s STSM “Blend acquisition research methodology” had two main goals: (1) to contribute to the improvement of research methodology in the study of the production of lexical blends in Serbian, and (2) to exchange ideas and establish collaboration with colleagues from Université Lumière Lyon 2 (ULL2).
During her STSM, Gordana met with Vincent Renner from ULL2 to discuss collaborating on a co-authored chapter on language creativity and future collaborations on the word-formation process of lexical blending, particularly on cross-linguistic contrastive studies. She also met with Cécile Poix to explore the use of nonce formations in various genres beyond children’s literature, such as science fiction, speculative fiction, dystopian fiction, and computer games, and discussed the function of lexical innovation in these genres.
In addition, she met with Jim Walker, Bruno Courbon, Corina Veleanu, Mauro Le Donne, Caroline Rossi, Philippe Millot, and Séverine Wozniak, discussing topics ranging from linguistic research to publication opportunities. She gave a 40-minute talk at CeRLA on “Lexical creativity and ludicity in present-day English,” which led to a productive discussion and networking opportunities. Finally, her meeting with Caroline Rossi at Université Grenoble Alpes provided valuable feedback on her elicitation experiment plans.
On the photo: Cecile Poix, Vincent Renner, Mauro Le Donne, Gordana Lalić-Krstin, Corina Veleanu and Bruno Courbon.