Apply for a Grant!
As a COST Action, Eneoli offer grants for different networking activities. Active members can apply for Short-Term Scientific Missions, ITC Conferences, and Dissemination Conferences.
To prepare for applying, read the Memorandum of Understanding and familiarise yourself with the COST Annotated Rules and the Grant Awarding User Guide.
You can download documents on conferences and grants provide detailed information on the eligibility criteria, duration and funding rules, information requested in the application procedure, the evaluation criteria concerning the proposal, and steps to follow in the Grant Awarding Process. Please note that these documents were updated to version 3 on June 18th 2024. Make sure to use the latest version when applying!
In the current grant period, your application can be submitted at any time until the 31st of July 2024 (subject to budget availability). The applications will be evaluated after three collection dates:
- 31st of March 2024;
- 31st of May 2024;
- 31st of July 2024.
For more information, contact our Grant Awarding Coordinator:
Name: Ekaterina Strati
Start date: 27/06/2024
Name: Evelina Kirsakmene
Start date: 18/06/2024