Gordana Lalić-Krstin

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy
Member of: WG3


Jugonostalgija, a Serbian blend of Jugoslavija (‘Yugoslavia’) and nostalgija (‘nostalgia’), referring to the feeling of nostalgia for the times, culture and social values of Yugoslavia, before the country disintegrated during the 1990’s conflicts. It has also been recorded in the following forms: Jugostalgija, Yugostalgija and found in some other languages in the region, such as Bosnian, Croatian and Montenegrin.

My research interests lie in the fields of morphology, lexicology, and lexicography, with a specific focus on word-formation processes that give rise to neologisms, particularly those characterized by creativity, such as lexical blending. I have conducted studies on lexical blends in both English and Serbian, examining their structural composition and the roles they fulfill across various discourses. Additionally, I am intrigued by the broader concepts of lexical creativity and ludicity as both linguistic and social phenomena, and I am keen to explore how linguistic innovation and sociolinguistic factors intersect in the realm of wordplay. My Google Scholar profile.