Nijolė Burkšaitienė

Mykolas Romeris University, Faculty of Human and Social Studies
Member of: WG1, WG4


BFF – best friend forever

Nijolė Burkšaitienė, dr., Ph.D (Education Sciences), is a professor, researcher and translator. She conducts interdisciplinary research into teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes, technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education, translation studies, and validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education. She is interested in translation of neologisms from English into Lithuanian. (Co)author of over 60 research articles, (co)author of six international and national books and book chapters, (co)author of five ESP workbooks, co-editor of an international volume on ESP, co-translator of three monographs from English into Lithuanian and from Lithuanian into English. She has created and implemented a number of linguistic and lifelong learning projects supported by the EU Structural Funds and the European Commission. She also acts as a member of some editorial boards of research journals in Lithuania and abroad.