Weronika Woźniak-Żak

Grant Awarding Coordinator

University of Lodz, Doctoral School of Humanities, Faculty of Philology
Member of: WG1, WG3


silenxieusement (adv.) > neologism in French, blending by combining the sounds and meanings of two adverbs: ‘silencieusement’ [silɑ ̃sjøzmɑ ̃] (silently) + ‘anxieusement’ [ɑ ̃ksjøzmɑ ̃] (anxiously); created by Ghérasim Luca in « Paralipomènes » (1976).

Lexical innovation, neology and wordplay correspond with my research interests. My PhD thesis project „Les figures de mots dans la prose du groupe l’OuLiPo : étude linguistique outillée sur corpus, en français et dans les traductions polonaises” characterises the use figures of words (including neologisms), interpreted as intentional and directional linguistic innovations based on word formation and wordplay. My research also seeks to answer the question of the relationship between linguistic innovations and the system of a given language and the adaptability of language to linguistic experiments within the grammatical rules. The study of techniques for translating linguistic innovations into a foreign language (particularly between French and Polish) also forms part of my research interests. As part of my doctoral studies, I undertake research on lexical innovations and application of stylistic devices in literature and press, which results in active participation in conferences and in publications. Moreover, the experience of working within the NAWA-Polonium Action on recent borrowings in contemporary French and Polish has provided me with skills in quantitative data collection and its qualitative analysis.