ITC: The history and concept of the term ‘false friends’: the lexicographical practice in English, Latvian and French dictionaries

Name: Evelina Kirsakmene

Start : 18/06/2024
End: 20/06/2024

With the help of an ITC Conference Grant, Evelina Kirsakmene attended the 14th International Conference in Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, where she presented a paper titled “The history and concept of the term ‘false friends’: the lexicographical practice in English, Latvian, and French dictionaries.” 

The paper was presented in the session “Historical Lexicography 4” on the second day of the conference, 19th of June 2024. “This was the first conference I attended that focused solely on lexicography. It urged me to look at my subject in a different light and come up with new aspects and elements of my research. It also provided great opportunities to extend my network of linguists and lexicographers working in the field,” reported Evelina.

Her paper was welcomed by other presenters who had also encountered false friends in their respective languages. They provided useful scientific references, examples, and support for her doctoral studies. Evelina concluded: “The conference was organised splendidly, offering support throughout the event and creating a fruitful environment for debates on different subjects regarding lexicography and other linguistic matters, like terminology and others.”

On the photo: Evelina Kirsakmene during her conference presentation.