ITC: Legal English terminology and EU legislation: terminological Issues in translating EU Legislation in candidate countries

Name: Ekaterina Strati

Start : 27/06/2024
End: 28/06/2024

With the help of an ITC Conference Grant, Ekaterina Strati attended the “Multilingual Digital Terminology Today: Design, representation formats and management systems” conference, where she presented a paper titled “Legal English terminology and EU legislation: terminological Issues in translating EU Legislation in candidate countries”.

“The two days of international conference, which brought together researchers in the field of Multilingual Digital Terminology, was an important event to present my research,” reported Ekaterina. During the presentation, she discussed the following topics: the importance of legal translation (English) in the Albanian context; challenges in Translating EU Legislation for Albania; a corpus-based analysis of the improper translation of EU directives, and future perspectives of her research.

At the conference, she also disseminated the aims and objectives of the ENEOLI action and networked with some of the ENEOLI colleagues to discuss the network activities.

On the photo: Ekaterina Strati during her conference presentation.