Ekaterina Strati
University of Durres, Faculty of Education
Member of: WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4
An intriguing neologism is “hangry”
Language: English
Structure: “Hangry” is a blend of “hungry” and “angry.” This portmanteau captures the emotional state that arises when a person is irritable due to hunger.
When/Why it Appeared: The term began to gain traction in the early 2000s, particularly in social media and pop culture, as people started to acknowledge and share their experiences of becoming short-tempered when they hadn’t eaten. It reflects a broader understanding of how physical needs can influence emotions and behavior.
Source: The term was popularized by an advertising campaign for Snickers in 2010, which humorously highlighted how being “hangry” affects one’s mood and interactions. It has since entered everyday language, often used lightheartedly to describe moments of irritability related to hunger.
Ekaterina Strati (Gjergo), born on 20.10.1984, in the coastal city of Durres, completed the university studies in the field of “English Language Teaching” in 2007 with outstanding results, at the Department of English Language, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana. After finishing the university studies, in November 2007 she started working as a full-time lecturer at University “A. Moisiu” Durrës, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Languages. At the same time, she has been part of the part-time academic staff at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, since 2007 where I teach Legal English.
She completed the “Master’s degree in Linguistics” (July 2011) at the Department of English Language Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana. After completing the Master of Science program, she pursued her studies with the PhD thesis in the same field.
In addition, she is the author of several articles in linguistics and teaching, as well as a participant in national and international conferences in the same field. Moreover, she participated in one of the most prominent international conventions in the English language teaching field, TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo in Dallas, Texas, USA, March 20-23 2013. She also presented a paper in one of the most prestigious conferences organized at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the International Journal of Arts and Science conference, March 18-22, 2013. In the same year, she was certified by the Ministry of Justice under the title of the Legal Sworn Translator.
Currently, I continue to be part of the full time academic staff at “A. Moisiu” University of Durrës, as well as part of the part-time staff at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana.