Kris Heylen

WG3 Co-Leader

Dutch Language Institute
Member of: WG2, WG3


boekentil [book-cote, in analogy to “duiventil” (dove cote / pigeon house)]

Kris Heylen is a senior researcher at the Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (Dutch Language Institute, Leiden – The Netherlands) where he coordinates the R&D projects in computational lexicography and applied linguistics for modern Dutch, including a project on neologism detection in the monitor corpus for Dutch “Corpus Hedendaags Nederlands” (CHN). His research focuses on the corpus-based, statistical modelling of lexical semantics and lexical variation. He holds a Master in Linguistics, a Master in Artificial Intelligence and a PhD in Linguistics from the KU Leuven (University of Leuven, Belgium). At KU Leuven, he is an affiliated research fellow at the research group Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics (QLVL) and a guest lecturer in lexicography and lexicology in the Master in Linguistics.