Marius François

Université Lumière Lyon 2, CeRLA
Member of: WG2, WG3


“divulgâcher”, a blend of two French units “divulguer” (to reveal) and gâcher (to spoil) suggested by the French Institution DGLFLF (Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France) as an alternative to the use of the verb “to spoil” (i.e., to ruin a given work’s appeal by revealing important part(s) of its plot). This 4-year-old neologism, given its funny structure and the fact that the concept is already widely known made it sort of popular, a rare distinction among official French neologism propositions. (’effet%20de%20surprise,d’une%20%C5%93uvre%20de%20fiction.)

PhD student in terminology with a deep interest in specialized neology, oral corpora as a resource to extract and study the formation of new terms as well as the development of new tools to facilitate the detection of new meanings and new units within a given lexicon.